Urban social service activities are one of the initial small number of programs of the Department of Social Services and are considered as very important initiatives in the development of urban society. To motivate and co-operate in taking practical steps for socio-economic development through mutual help-cooperation by organizing poor low-income floating family members from different areas in search of livelihood in slum areas of the city since 1955. These activities are being conducted successfully. One of the efforts of the city social service activities is to conduct training programs to create self-employment opportunities for the unemployed/poor people. At present, this training program is being conducted successfully in a total of 80 units in 64 district towns of the country. From the beginning till July-December/2022, the number of beneficiaries through training is 3,24,521. With the approval of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board, the vocational training program conducted by 80 units of urban social service activities has been institutionalized with the aim of making the training program more sustainable and up-to-date and modern.
In order to take the technical training to the desired level as per the National Skills Development Policy 2011 and the guidelines of Hon'ble Prime Minister (NTVQF Level-1-6) made for the training programs of 23 ministries of Bangladesh, The Office (80 office) of Social Services received the approval of Bangladesh Technical Education Board in July 2016 under the title ---------as their first initiative. Keeping in view the vision of the present government-2021, the process of issuing uniform modules and certificates for computer training and other training activities of the city social service office has been institutionalized.
Moreover, to strengthen the pace of Skill Development Training, the 80 Skill Development Training Centers are being registered under the National Skills Development Authority (NSDA).
At present including 360 hours basic courses, various courses of total 23 trades are being conducted through skill development training centers. Apart from school, college, university going students and general trainees of the city, the beneficiaries of the Department of Social Services (the most under privileged segment of the society) like persons with disabilities, Hijras, Harijans, Vedas, Dalits and orphans of government children's families and private orphanages run by the Department of Social Services are taking training to step forward to build a technology based smart nation.
Moreover, through the A2I project run by the Hon'ble Prime Minister's Office, the Skills Development Training Centers run by the City Social Service Offices are imparting training to the Imams of the mosques and the trainees of Qawmi Madrasas in technical training in an effort to bring them back into the mainstream of society.
dss.nise.gov.bd Software-centric services will be activated within 2023 among total of 80 urban social service offices at a time to bring the training activities of 80 offices under the Department of Social Services into an integrated system and to provide the desired services. At this purpose a total of 330 officials from different root level offices has trained under TOT training program with the help of a2i.
The 80 Skill Development Training Centers approved by Bangladesh Technical Education Board are aimed at achieving SDG targets by transforming the educated unemployed / unskilled population of the country into skilled human resources\manpower as per the demand of skilled manpower at home and abroad through skill development training in 23 trades. A total of 3,24,521 people have been trained in these trades till the financial year 2021-22. From which Female trainees is 1, 29,808, male trainees is 1,94,713 and Disabled and other trainees is 3,245. Besides 1000 students of Qawmi and Alia Madrasas are trained through a2i project.
Pictures of UCD's training progress over the last 11 years
2012-13 |
2013-14 |
2014-15 |
2015-16 |
2016-17 |
2017-18 |
2018-19 |
2019-20 |
2020-21 |
2021-22 |
2022-23 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
13053 |
14601 |
14855 |
15654 |
20463 |
23309 |
23600 |
20365 |
16778 |
17118 |
8155 |
Trades approved by Bangladesh education board
Order |
The name of the trade |
Trade code |
Order |
The name of the trade |
Trade code |
1 |
Computer office application |
76 |
13 |
Radio and television servicing |
26 |
2 |
Electrical house wiring |
17 |
14 |
Bamboo, cane and carpet industry |
64 |
3 |
Hardware and networking |
77 |
15 |
General Electronics |
95 |
4 |
Refrigeration and air-conditioning |
27 |
16 |
Driving cum Auto Mechanics |
68 |
5 |
Dressmaking and tailoring |
29 |
17 |
Travel Tourism and Ticketing |
91 |
6 |
Certificate-in-beautification |
72 |
18 |
Embroidery Machine Operator and Maintenance |
04 |
7 |
Mobile phone servicing |
35 |
19 |
Horticulture |
60 |
8 |
Proficiency in English Communication |
97 |
20 |
Aminship |
48 |
9 |
Graphics design and multimedia programming |
81 |
21 |
Certificate in Pattern Making |
73 |
10 |
Block-batik and printing |
96 |
22 |
Food and Beverage Production |
38 |
11 |
Database programming |
79 |
23 |
AutoCAD |
34 |
12 |
Web Design and Development |
02 |
To face the fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) challenge with the help of a2i and BTEB, Urban Social Service program (UCD) is at the ending line to build a curriculum for two occupation based training named Advance software development and Advance networking.
Results of previous sessions at a glance
Session |
Examiners Number |
Number of passed student |
Passed Rate |
comments |
July-December/2016 |
11105 |
9943 |
89.87% |
January-Jun/2017 |
9358 |
8774 |
93.75% |
July-December/2017 |
8439 |
8110 |
93.00% |
January-Jun/2018 |
9847 |
9017 |
91.57% |
July-December/2018 |
11750 |
11349 |
96.58% |
January-Jun/2019 |
10966 |
8891 |
84.16% |
July-December/2019 |
10086 |
9867 |
97.92% |
January-Jun/2020 |
10279 |
9943 |
95.90% |
July-December/2020 |
7371 |
1958 |
92.40% |
January-Jun/2021 |
9407 |
6742 |
95.07% |
July-December/2021 |
4467 |
4139 |
92.00% |
January-Jun/2022 |
8908 | 8232 | 92.41 % | |
July-December/2022 |
8155 | Result is not yet published |