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The Rural Social Services (RSS) program implemented by the Department of Social Services under the Ministry of Social Welfare is being conducted with the aim of alleviating the poverty of the destitute, helpless, neglected, backward and backward people living in the rural areas of the country. Interest Free Microcredit of Rural Social Service (RSS) Activities The beginning of a new and colorful history in the economic emancipation of marginalized people as a pioneer and pioneer of Microcredit/ poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. As a result, this program has been established as the birthplace and pioneer of Bangladesh Microcredit program. This program started a new and groundbreaking history in the field of economic emancipation of the marginalized people of Bangladesh.


Under the direction of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu, the Department of Social Services started 'rural social service program' experimentally in 1974 in the then 19 police stations. In the light of its success, this program was expanded to 21 more police stations in 1977. Later expanded rural social service activities in 2nd phase (1980-87) in 103 upazilas, 3rd phase (1987-92) in 120 upazilas, 4th phase (1992-95) in 61 upazilas, 5th phase (1995-2002) in 119 upazilas, 6th phase (2004- 07) It is being implemented in 470 upazilas and at present in all the upazilas of the country. Through this program, social awareness is created among the landless people living below the poverty line in the rural areas and they are well organized in various working groups and their participation in all kinds of economic development programs is being ensured by engaging them in productive and income generating programs.




Through these program, social awareness is being created among the landless and people living below the poverty line in the rural areas and their participation in the overall development of the country is being ensured by involving them in income generating programs.

The 18-member Rural Social Service Implementation Committee (UPIC) comprising the Upazila Nirbahi Officer as the President and the Upazila Social Services Officer as the Member Secretary and the concerned Divisional Officers is implementing these program at the Upazila level.


Progress in implementation of Rural Social Service (RSS) activities


  • First starting of activities                                   : 1974 AD

    • Number of upazilas covered                            : 492

    • Total amount of allocation received                 : 575 Crore 33 Lakh 66 thousand 282 taka

    • Total disbursement amount as micro credit      : 567 Crore 87 Lakh 36 Thousand 980 taka

    • Amount of principal invested as microcredit    : 556 crores 19 lakh 57 thousand taka

    • Principal amount realized                               : 492 crores 21 lakh 10 thousand taka

    • Principal Recovery Rate                                 : 91%

    • Amount of Cumulative Reinvested Amount     : 1182 Crore 52 Lakh 60 Thousand taka

    • Cumulative Reinvestment Payout Rate            : 90%

    • Amount of total service charges collected        : 141 crores 41 lakhs 46 thousand Taka

    • Amount of bank interest received                    :  38 crore 98 lakh 43 thousand Taka

    • Amount of Personal Savings of Beneficiaries   :  15 crore 84 lakh 35 thousand Taka

    • Total number of beneficiaries through microcredit since inception: 34 lakh 35 thousand families

    • Current number of borrowers                          : 9 lakh 68 thousand 





  • Organize the poor and bring them into the mainstream of development;
  • Poverty alleviation and improvement of living standards;
  • Awareness raising and skill development;
  • Microcredit from a minimum of tk 5,000 to a maximum of tk 50,000 per household;
  • Creation of sustainable organization of target persons (Palli Samajesba Gram Samiti) with the money collected from service charges and formation of own capital of Gram Samiti.



Service recipients:




  • Residents of selected villages;
  • Member of Palli Samajseva Karmadal;
  • A member whose family has an average annual income of up to tk 50,000 (poorest) ‘Ka’ class
  • Average annual household income from tk 50,001 to tk 60,000 (poor) ‘kha’ category
  • Average annual household income above tk. 60,001 (above poverty line) ‘gao’ category
  • Other services including ‘A’ and ‘B’ class microcredit and other social services except class C interest free loans;



Those involved in the implementation of the activities:



At the central level, the activities branch of the Department of Social Services is responsible for the implementation of this activity. Under the leadership of the Director (Activities), one Additional Director, one Deputy Director, one Assistant Director, two Deputy Assistant Directors, one Social Service Officer at the headquarters level and 492 Upazila Social Services Officers at the field level are involved in the implementation of these activities.






At the district level, 64 Deputy Directors and 100 Assistant Directors supervise the field level activities and coordinate between the field level and the headquarters. Implementation authority of the Committee for the Implementation of Rural Social Service Activities in the Upazila. The Upazila Social Services officer and the Upazila Nirbahi officer are the members-secretaries and presidents of the activities implementation committee respectively. Union social workers and training instructors work directly with service recipients at the village level. Activities of Field Supervisor Union Social Workers and Training Instructors of Upazila Social Service Office


Service Center:

492 Upazila Social Service Offices;



  • Village selection;
  • Village survey;
  • Organizing and targeting the poor;
  • Formation of village / mahalla committees;
  • Provide literate knowledge;
  • Motivation on various social issues;


Mass related to the implementation of activities:


• (Family planning, backyard vegetable farming, social forestry, safe drinking water, sanitation, primary health care, nutrition awareness, family planning, expectant mother care, vaccination of children, prevention of child marriage, awareness against women abuse and dowry, drug abuse Prevention, sending children to school, etc.)

  • Provide vocational and skills development training;
  • Accepting applications in the prescribed application form for obtaining microcredit;
  • Selection of suitable borrowers for socio-economic development;
  • Contract execution;
  • Provide interest free microcredit;
  • Cooperation in building organizations with own capital.


Methods of service delivery (in short):


After completing the family survey by the Union Social Worker / Technical Instructor in the village selected by the Upazila Project Implementation Committee and forming a task force with the family members belonging to group A and B, each group member was made accustomed to 20 social activities. Then the concerned social worker / technical trainer submits the draft list along with the application form after verifying and selecting the application form of the loan candidates proposed from the village committee or task force and submits the collected savings project as bank of the village or task force. The prepared draft list, application form, along with the recommendation for examination by the Scheme Field Supervisor is submitted to the Upazila Social Services officer. Then the Upazila Social Services officer organized a meeting of UPIC and approved the loan. Finally the loan disbursement activities are completed by informing the selected borrowers by setting the date and place of distribution of loan checks / cash.

Areas of citizen cooperation:

  • Repayment of loan amount in 10 equal installments from the 2nd month after receipt by the beneficiary or in 1, 2 or 3 installments depending on the scheme with 5% service charge;
  • A beneficiaries egular rates fixed by group members;
  • Adhere to the issues that members are made aware of through activities;
  • Assist the authorities in recovering the loan if any beneficiary does not repay it regularly;
  • Provide information and assistance to the authorities in selecting the right village / mahalla and suitable borrower;
  • Inform the appropriate authorities if any irregularity is observed in disbursement of loan.


Required fees / taxes / incidental expenses:  Free


Service Deadline:


o 1 month loan disbursement for 1 month after village / mahalla election;

o Reinvestment / 2nd / 3rd stage loan, 20 days after application.


The next remedial officer in case of failure to get certain services

1. Upazila Nirbahi Officer (Concerned Upazila)

2. Deputy Director, District Social Services Office (Concerned District)

3. Director, Divisional Social Service Offices (Concerned Division)

4. Director (Program), Department of Social Services.