Registration of voluntary organizations and institutions is provided by the Department of Social Services under the Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961 and related rules, 1962. The organizations registered under this ordinance are registered for the implementation of 15 different types of social welfare activities. Entitled activities are Child Welfare, Youth Welfare, Women Welfare, Welfare of Physically and Mentally Disabled, Family Planning, Prevention of Anti-Social Activities, Social Education, Adult Education, Welfare and Rehabilitation of Prisoners, Welfare of Juvenile Offenders, Welfare of Beggars, Welfare and rehabilitation of poor patients, welfare of elderly and physically challenged persons, training in social welfare work and coordination of social welfare organizations.
The Department of Social Services provide registration to voluntary organizations, agencies, foundations and public welfare agencies such as orphanages. Timely instructions and circulars are issued by the Department of Social Services regarding the registration and management of these organizations. So far, 69996 voluntary organizations from 64 districts of the Department of Social Services have been registered. Out of these, 5285 are orphanages. Number of orphanages receiving capitation grant is 4098. All these voluntary organizations have been implementing various developmental activities along with the government. The government is providing overall assistance in implementing the work of the voluntary organizations. Voluntary organizations are never against the government, the government is not imposing any control on their work. The government considers the voluntary organizations as stakeholder in its activities. Voluntary organizations have played a significant role in reformation of countries after Post-liberation war in 1971. They have achieved a lot in this long period of independence. Charity or philanthropy is institutionalized through all these organizations and organized social work is developed.
The role of institutional social work is immense in uplifting the neglected, miserable and disadvantaged people of the society. It is undeniable that the voluntary organization of Bangladesh has been able to institutionalize the welfare work of the poor and neglected people. At present, thousands of young people have chosen the voluntary work as a profession. Out of these voluntary organizations registered with the Department of Social Services, 11531 organizations which were inactive and engaged in unconstitutional activities have been dissolved with the approval of the Ministry of Social Welfare. Number of activations from extinction is 37. Except for the abolition, the number of existing organizations is 58465 now. Initiatives to increase registration fee from Taka 2000 to 5000 have been taken by updating the Voluntary Social Welfare Institutions (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961 and the relevant rules, 1962. The organizations working in this country are functioning by obtaining registration from different authorities by different laws. In addition to the Department of Social Services, voluntary organizations are also certified by the Department of Women's Affairs, the Department of Cooperatives, the Register of Joint Stock Companies, the Bureau of NGO Affairs, and the Microcredit Regulatory Authority.
Registration and supervision of voluntary social welfare organizations
Registration of various non-governmental voluntary organizations/institutions is provided by the Department of Social Services under the Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration and Control) Ordinance No. 46 of 1961. According to the ordinance, for the implementation of the following 15 activities, voluntary social welfare organizations are registered with the Department of Social Services under the control of the Ministry of Social Welfare.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS